The Value of a Team Approach

Dairy Farmer Couple
18 Jun 2024

Agriculture is more than just a profession—it's a way of life. Successful farms are influenced by countless variables. Working with a knowledgeable team of specialists is a difference-maker. We’ll explore the value of a team approach that’s dedicated to supporting your success.

Diverse Offerings for Comprehensive Support

Loan Options

We understand the unique financial needs of farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses. Our diverse loan offerings are designed to support your growth and sustainability:

Operating & Intermediate Term Loans: Providing the necessary funds for daily operations and medium-term investments.
Farm Real Estate Loans: Allowing you to purchase or refinance agricultural land.
Machinery and Equipment Loans: Enabling you to invest in essential farming equipment.
Construction Loans: Supporting new construction projects or improvements to existing structures.
Rural Home Loans and Recreational Land Financing: Offering financing options for rural homes and recreational properties.

Each of these products is backed by our team of loan officers who are well-versed in the specifics of agricultural financing. Their knowledge ensures you receive customized financial solutions that meet your unique needs.


Managing Risk with Insurance Solutions

Managing risk is a critical aspect of farming and ranching. Our insurance team works closely with loan officers to ensure that you are adequately covered. We offer comprehensive insurance solutions designed to protect your farm, crops, and livestock. 

No two operations are alike. Our specialists use analyzer tools to tailor insurance plans that fit your needs, helping you mitigate risks and safeguard your livelihood.


Tax and Farm Accounting Services

Staying tax-compliant and understanding your finances is crucial for the success of your agricultural business. Our tax and farm accounting services are designed to help:

Ensure you are compliant with tax regulations while optimizing your tax liabilities.
Provide accurate financial records and insights to help you make informed business decisions.

Our team will work with you to streamline your financial processes, allowing you to focus on what you do best—farming and ranching.


Succession and Retirement Planning
The average age of farmers and ranchers continues to climb, making succession and retirement planning more important than ever. We assist in creating estate plans that are specifically designed for farmers and ranchers. Our services ensure a smooth transition of your operation to the next generation by helping you plan for a secure and comfortable retirement.

Our team understands the unique challenges of agricultural succession and retirement planning, providing you with the help needed to protect your legacy.

AgCountry knows agriculture and customizes our financial solutions to fit any size farm, ranch, or agribusiness. The synergy between our team members—loan officers, insurance specialists, tax and farm accounting staff, and succession and retirement planners—ensures a comprehensive approach to your financial well-being.

Our employees understand the unique aspects of agriculture and what it takes for an operation to be successful. Our team approach provides a well-rounded financial plan that addresses all facets of your business, allowing you to thrive in an ever-evolving industry.

Contact your local AgCountry office to learn more about how we can help you achieve your financial goals and ensure the long-term success of your agricultural operation.