Financial Reports

Find quarterly and annual financial results for AgCountry Farm Credit Services.

2024 Financial Highlights

$14.68 billion

Loan Volume

$2.8 billion

Members' Equity

$264 million

Net Income

$104.5 million

Cash-Back Dividends

Mark Jenson posing in front of a mural of North and South America wearing a black jacket and light blue shirt

From the CEO

Agriculture today requires producers to do more of just about everything, including taking on more risk and investing more capital. This is where we fit in. Farm Credit exists to be the lender agriculture can depend on. We have spent decades building financial strength to deliver on our mission, in good and tough times.

Financial Reports

Quarterly Reports

Annual Reports

For a printed copy of the quarterly report or annual report, call 800-450-9858 or complete an online request form.

Notice to stockholder: AgCountry Farm Credit Services will publish its annual report on this website at the same time the annual report is submitted to the Farm Credit Administration, its regulator. This will occur within 75 calendar days of the end of AgCountry Farm Credit Services’ fiscal year, December 31st. Stockholders will also be mailed a hard copy of the annual report within 90 days of the end of AgCountry Farm Credit Services’ fiscal year

Shareholder Communication

Collaboration Information

The AgCountry Board of Directors has approved a strategic collaboration (Collaboration) with Farm Credit Services of America (FCSAmerica) and Frontier Farm Credit.

We expect that by Collaborating we will accelerate the accomplishment of our strategic vision, enhance cost efficiency, tap new market opportunities, and be able to provide additional resources for specialized programs, industry insights, and technology to meet the diverse needs of all segments of agriculture. We believe the Collaboration will result in a stronger, more resilient AgCountry that is better positioned to navigate the dynamic needs of our customers. 

Official Shareholder Information

Member Communication Letter (October 2023)

Prepare Magazine: Message from the Board (December 2023)

Joint Press Release (December 2023)

Shareholder Information Document (January 2024)

2021 Merger Disclosure

Click to view the AgCountry and Farm Credit Services of North Dakota (FCSND) Merger Disclosure Statement.