AgCountry Farm Credit Services is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all of our business operations and customer interactions.
That’s why we maintain an anonymous reporting system supported by our business partner, EthicsPoint™. This tool gives employees, customers, business partners and vendors the opportunity to report any complaints confidentially and anonymously.
AgCountry’s board is committed to practicing “Sarbanes-Oxley” ethical standards even though the Farm Credit System is not subject to that legislation. Our board continues to adopt much of the legislation as “best practice” including the requirement for an anonymous reporting system.
Observations can be submitted by phone or through the Internet. EthicsPoint has gone to great lengths to ensure that it is completely confidential. See the links below for instructions on accessing the program from work or home by phone or Internet.
To file an anonymous report from any Internet accessible computer, click on the link below and follow the instructions, or call 1-844-287-9979.
File a Report by Secure Connection