Livestock Loans

Elevate your livestock operation with custom financing options. 

Why Work With Us for Livestock Loans

Icon of person with a circle in the lower right with a green dollar sign
Tailored to Your Needs

Customized loan terms and repayment schedules to align with your specific operation and cash flow needs.

Ease of Doing Business

Streamlined procedures ensure you get financing whenever and wherever you need it.

Icon of silo to the left of a barn
Agriculture Focused

Personalized support and financial insights from experienced and highly trained agriculture professionals to help you make informed decisions.

Two palms of  hands with a circle and dollar sign in the middle icon
Power of the Co-op

Being a member has its rewards. Share in the earnings of the association through the patronage program.

Product Overview

Livestock Loans Explained

Explore loans designed specifically to meet the unique requirements of ranchers. Whether you’re purchasing livestock, managing a feedlot, or refinancing debt, we offer financial products that support your agricultural needs. 

Livestock loans are term loans involving a lump sum disbursal at the beginning of the loan period and have a fixed repayment term. Term loans may be secured by collateral which in some cases can include the asset being financed or a personal guarantee.

Livestock Loans can be used for: 

  • Purchasing livestock
  • Breeding livestock
  • Cow/calf operations
  • Backgrounding
  • Feedlots
  • Dairy 

We offer flexible financing for livestock loans, with a variety of rate options and payment scheduled to align with your cash flow.  

Three cows standing in a grassy field, one looking directly at the camera

Manage Risk With a Team That Understands It.

Our insurance agents are highly trained, dedicated specialists who have the tools to help you make important risk management decisions.

Insurance products are excluded from our patronage program.

Get Started

Contact us if you have questions or need more information.