Lynn Pietig
Board Chair
Morgan, MN
Pietig farms with her husband on their 5th generation farm, where they raise corn and soybeans. She owns and operates a tax and accounting practice. She also serves as treasurer for Morgan Memorial Foundation, Inc., a nursing home and assisted living facility. Pietig has served on the Board of Directors since 2015; her current term of office ends on August 31, 2027.
Steve Perdue
Vice Chair
Ray, ND
Perdue manages and operates a small grain farm raising wheat, canola, flax, barley, corn, and soybeans. He serves as director on the North Dakota District Farm Credit Council, the U.S. Durum Growers Association Board, and the Ray Farmers Union Elevator Board. Perdue was elected to the Board of Directors in 2009; his current term of office end on August 31, 2026.
Leif Aakre
Stephen, MN
Aakre raises soybeans, wheat, and seed production. Aakre has served on the Board of Directors since 2011; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2027.
Suzanne Allen
Board-Appointed Director
Duluth, MN
Allen is President of Allen CFO Services, a fractional CFO consulting business. She also serves on the Board of Directors for American Transmission Company. Allen was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2011; her current term of office ends on August 31, 2027.
Bryan Ankenbauer
Bowbells, ND
Ankenbauer manages and operates a small grain farm raising wheat, canola, flax, barley, corn, and soybeans. He is a partner in EG Acres, LLC, a farm management company and serves on the North Dakota Farm Credit Council. Ankenbauer was elected to the Board of Directors in 2005; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Justin Dagen
Karlstad, MN
Dagen farms with his two sons, who represent the 6th generation to operate Dagen Heritage Farms. They have a diversified cash crop operation that specializes in seed potatoes. He also serves as the Board of Directors chairperson for the Board of Supervisors Spring Brook Township. Dagen was elected to the Board of Directors in 2018; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2026.
Kurt Elliot
Blanchard, ND
Elliott raises corn and soybeans, is a part of Tri-E Simmentals (purebred operation), and also feeds cattle in his family's feedlot. He and his wife also operate a vineyard as their hobby. He currently serves as a commissioner for Traill County Commission and is a member of the Lake Agassiz Regional Development Board. Elliott was elected to the Board of Directors since 2016; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2028.
Ed Hegland
Appleton, MN
Hegland is owner and manager of Hegland Farms of Appleton, Inc., a cash grain farm in Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota. He raises corn, soybeans, and wheat using strip-till, no-till, and other conservation measures. He currently serves a chairperson for the AgriBank District Farm Credit Council and is a member of the Minnesota Farm Credit Council trade associations. Hegland was elected to the Board of Directors in 2012; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Karen Kerner
Philips, WI
Kerner’s family operation includes growing grass mix hay forage, oats, soybeans, and corn for feed. They also finish out their own feeder calves to provide a direct-to-consumer meat line under Deer Creek Angus LLC. Kerner was elected to the Board of Directors in 2021; her current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Ryan Klussendorf
Medford, WI
Klussendorf operates a dairy and raises hay, winter rye, and corn. He is the vice chairperson for Medford Cooperative Board of Directors and a Taylor Country Farm Bureau director. Klussendorf was first elected to the Board of Directors in 2023; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2027.
Michael Long
Berlin, ND
Long currently operates a feedlot and raises corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. He is also a director on the North Dakota Farm Credit Council trade association. Long has served on the Board of Directors since 1997; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Shawn Murphy
Carpio, ND
Murphy is a 5th generation farmer growing wheat, canola, durum, peas, and soybeans. He farms with his family and parents. He serves as a director for Northern Canola Growers, treasurer/clerk for White Ash Township, and as a director for Berthold Farmers Elevator. Murphy was first elected to the Board of Directors in 2024; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2028.
Greg Nelson
Milnor, ND
Nelson is the 4th generation on their family farm and raises wheat, soybeans, and corn. Nelson also serves on the AgriBank District Farm Credit Council. Nelson joined the Board of Directors in 2008; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2026.
William (Bill) Oemichen
Board-Appointed Director
New Glarus, WI
Oemichen is a professor of practice-law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, adjunct professor in co-operative law at the University of Saskatchewan Law School, and partner at Community and Co-operative Counsel law firm. He also serves as board treasurer for Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin, chair of the board of trustees for Wisconsin College Savings Program, director for Farm Credit Council Services, Inc., a board member for Farm Land Title, a board member and president for New Glarus Board of Education, a board member for Green County Leaders, a fellow for Canadian Centre for Study of Co-operatives, and a research principal for the University of Saskatchewan. Oemichen was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2009; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Richard Price
Stanley, WI
Price owns and operates a dairy and crop farm with his wife. Price previously served on the boards of United Farm Credit Services and AgriBank. Price was elected to the Board of Directors in 2022; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2026.
Greg Sabolik
Kensington, MN
Sabolik is president of Bred and Butter Dairy and runs a crop operation in partnership with his brother, raising corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. He is president of 709 LLC, a land ownership entity, and serves as a director for the Douglas County Chapter of the American Dairy Association, a member of the Policy and Engagement Committee for the Minnesota Milk Producers Association, and a board member for the Minnesota Diary Initiative. Sabolik was elected to the Board of Directors in 2013; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2025.
Curt Trost
Wabasso, MN
Trost and his wife own and operate a grain operation raising corn and soybeans, and he is president of Curtis Trost Farming, Inc. He also serves as board vice chairperson for Serenity Suites Senior Living. Trost was elected to the Board of Directors in 2020; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2028.
Dale Zahradka
Lankin, ND
Zahradka and his wife raise a combination of cash grains with assistance from their children. He also owns a grain elevator that does custom drying of local crops. He is also a director on the North Dakota Farm Credit Council trade association. Zahradka has served on the Board of Directors since 2002; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2026.
Mike Zenker
Gackle, ND
Zenker farms with his brother raising corn, soybeans, and barley. He also owns and operates a seed dealership. He serves as a board member for Finn Township Board, and president of the Gackle Future Development Company board. Zenker was elected to the Board of Directors in 2015; his current term of office ends on August 31, 2027.
Contact us if you have questions or need more information.