Cash-Back Dividends

Share in the success of your cooperative. Receive patronage dividends on eligible business annually.

Being a customer-owner has its rewards.

Patronage is one of the many benefits of doing business with a customer-owned cooperative. Through our patronage program, the Board of Directors can distribute a portion of our net income back to customer-owners. The Board of Directors intends to pay a 1% patronage dividend barring any unforeseen circumstances.

A man crouching in a bean field looking at the crop during summer

Patronage Dividend Payments

For the sixth consecutive year, the AgCountry Board has declared a 1% patronage dividend in March 2025. Farmers and ranchers will receive an estimated $104.5 million in cash-back patronage for eligible business conducted in 2024.

Two men shaking hands in a soybean field during fall at sunset

Frequently Asked Questions


Patronage is one of the special benefits of doing business with a member-owned financial institution.  AgCountry is able to offer a cash patronage program because of the financial strength we have achieved. This strength helps us remain financially strong to overcome unexpected changes in the agricultural economy while supporting future business growth.


In each pool, the amount of a customer’s 2025 patronage distribution will be based on his or her eligible average loan volume with AgCountry during 2025. Generally, the more a customer borrows from us, the more he or she will benefit, financially, from the program. Because your eligible average loan volume and the amount of approved patronage can change each year, your cash-back dividend likely will change from one year to the next.


At the end of each calendar year, the Board of Directors will assess, among other factors, the association’s capital position, earnings, and asset growth outlook, and will determine if a patronage distribution is to be made and set the amount to be distributed.


Your Board’s stated intent is to not increase interest rates in order to pay patronage. In keeping with this philosophy, AgCountry will first and foremost maintain a competitive pricing program and distribute patronage from any earnings in excess of those needed to maintain a strong capital position and financially sound business.


The AgCountry Board currently intends to distribute patronage each year. The Board and our financial plans currently target patronage distributions equal to 100 basis points for the foreseeable future, barring unforeseen events and significant change in economic conditions. However, patronage may vary as the earnings and capital needs of the cooperative change.


Yes. Patronage distributions are taxable, and eligible customers should generally include the patronage payment in their taxable income. We encourage you to consult with your tax advisor about your specific situation.


Generally, customers whose loans are capitalized by stock are eligible for cash-back dividends. These loans include operating and agriculture real estate loans, as well as some consumer-purpose loans secured with real estate (see excluded products).

If a customer has paid off a loan, he/she is eligible for patronage for the period the loan was outstanding, provided it was capitalized at the time of payoff and no exclusions to eligibility apply.

Who is ineligible for patronage?

  • Non-accrual loans past due as of December 31.
  • Forbearance or restructured loan agreements that include patronage waivers.
  • Charge-offs (net), partial or full. All the customer’s loans are ineligible for seven years from the date of most recent charge-off, unless fully recovered, including any loans originated subsequent to the charge-offs.
  • Bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary. All the customer’s loans are ineligible for seven years from the date of discharge or similar proceeding and concluding on December 31st of that seventh year.
  • Sales contract (Contract for Deed) resulting from a restructured loan.
  • Accelerated loans as of December 31. One accelerated loan makes all the customer's loans ineligible.
  • A loan participation or multi-lender syndicated loan unless the contract with the borrower specifically provides for the payment of patronage.
  • A sold loan participation where the contract with the purchasing institution specifically designates the loan as a non-patronage loan.
  • A loan made expressly on a non-patronage basis.
  • Cash-back dividends of less than $50.

Excluded products

  • Crop insurance, as required by regulations prohibiting the distribution of insurance income directly to customers who generate it.
  • Leasing, as required by the lease agreement with our lease processor, Farm Credit Leasing.
  • Business Services, including Farm Accounting, Tax, Succession and Retirement services.
  • AgDirect equipment financing made after April 11, 2010.
  • Certain Young and Beginning program loans.
  • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans made through the U.S. Small Business Administration.
  • Certain consumer-purpose loans secured by real estate.

Yes. Each January, AgCountry will send an IRS Form 1099-PATR to you. This form will show the total of all patronage issued to you during the previous calendar year.

Cash-back dividends are based on eligible loan volume and Association financial results. Prior distributions should not be interpreted as guarantees of future performance.

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