Community Involvement

As a mission-driven financial cooperative, we work every day to strengthen the communities we and our customer-owners call home.

Our Commitment

Serving rural America means more than financing those who farm and ranch.

Community involvement is an important way for us to further our mission of supporting the communities where we live and work. AgCountry makes annual donations to hunger-related organizations, support organizations that focus on youth education and leadership and sponsors many worthy programs and causes throughout our service area in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Green map of North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Grain Bin Rescue Program

A group of 12 firefighters in uniform standing in front of a couple grain bins

Each year, AgCountry donates grain bin rescue units to area fire departments in an effort to help support rural communities and promote farm safety. The units are designed to be used specifically for grain bin entrapments. As part of the program, the selected departments also undergo training on use of the equipment.

Rural Community Grant Fund

AgriBank partners with AgCountry Farm Credit Services and Farm Credit Services of Mandan to provide the Rural Community Grant Fund. Disbursements through this fund are designated to support local communities in western North Dakota impacted by mineral development in the Bakken region.

Grants up to $50,000 are available through the Rural Community Grant Fund to facilitate infrastructure improvement and/or development initiatives encompassing housing projects; health, safety and environmental programs; medical facilities; educational programs; and more.

The Rural Community Grant Fund is funded annually by the income AgriBank earns on its mineral interests in western North Dakota, as designated by its board of directors. AgriBank acquired its mineral interests in western North Dakota as a result of loan activity following the Great Depression.

rural community grant fund logo

In our Communities

AgCountry works to make a positive difference in the lives of farmers, ranchers, and rural Americans every day. We proudly fund and support organizations, causes, and communities that fill critical needs across our marketplace. Our annual giving is a holistic approach to fulfilling our mission of services that extends far beyond lending and business services. Our employees act as changemakers within the communities where we live and work.

A group of people smiling and packing items in a draw-string bag

Scholarship Programs

We award two levels of scholarships each year to support the education of college students and high school seniors pursuing degrees important to the agricultural industry. 

Community Involvement Contact

Contact us for more information about our community involvement program.