Enhanced Coverage Option Crop Insurance

Expand your protection and gain area-based coverage for your acres.

Product Overview

Understanding Enhanced Coverage Option

Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) is an endorsement that provides additional protection for crops beyond the offerings of a base policy.

How ECO Works

You must first purchase a Yield Protection (YP), Revenue Protection (RP), or Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion policy (RPHPE).

Your underlying coverage will determine your ECO coverage.

  • Yield Protection = ECO covers yield loss
  • Revenue Protection = ECO covers revenue loss
Green corn field with corn cobs close up.


While your underlying coverage pays on an individual basis, ECO pays on an area basis. Payment is triggered by a decrease in county-level yield or revenue. 

Coverage Level

Get up to 95% coverage.

Additional Coverages

You can participate in both ECO and Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) on the same acres. 


Eligible Crops

  • ECO is available for 31 crops: Barley, buckwheat, canola, corn, cultivated wild rice, dry beans, dry peas, flax, forage production, grain sorghum, grass seed, hybrid corn seed, hybrid sorghum seed, oats, silage sorghum, soybeans, sugarbeets, sunflowers, and wheat. 
  • Paid when actual yield is less than the production guarantee due to a covered peril.  



Available to all qualifying producers regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted of funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).

Why Work With Us for Crop Insurance

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Dedicated Specialists

Our agents are non-commissioned and focus 100% of their time on crop insurance and livestock insurance. They don't sell property, casualty or life insurance.

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Financial Knowledge

As a lender, we understand financial risk and work to protect your working capital and whole operation, not just your crop or livestock.

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Agriculture Focused

Personalized support and financial insights from experienced and highly trained agriculture insurance professionals help you make informed decisions.

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Exclusive Tools

Leverage our exclusive policy review and Hail Analyzer tools to receive a personalized insurance plan - maximizing your net indemnity, cash flow, forward market opportunities, and minimizing your premium costs.

Trigger Yield Calculator

Trigger yields assist producers with crop insurance and risk management decisions. Understanding what will trigger loss payments is an important part of choosing the correct level of crop insurance coverage.

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