Grain Bin Safety: Know Your Resources, Stay Safe

Corn inside a grain bin
19 Dec 2024

Grain bin safety is of utmost importance for the wellbeing of farmers and agricultural workers. While accidents occur, it’s crucial to focus on proactive measures to ensure everyone’s safety on the farm. This article serves as a valuable reminder of potential risks associated with grain bins and provides essential information on safety protocols and resources like AgCountry’s Grain Bin Rescue Program, which promotes a culture of safety and well-being in the agricultural community.

The Dangers of Grain Bins

Engulfment occurs when a person becomes submerged in flowing grain. This can happen rapidly and unexpectedly, making self-rescue nearly impossible. The pressure of the grain can compress the chest, making it difficult to breathe, and can also lead to broken bones and internal injuries.

Entrapment can occur when a person becomes stuck in bridged or crusted grain. This can lead to suffocation or other health complications. Rescuing someone trapped in grain can be challenging with a high risk of secondary engulfment.

In addition to engulfment and entrapment, other hazards associated with grain bins include falls, dust explosions, and equipment accidents.

Safety Measures and Best Practices
To minimize the risk of accidents, it is essential to follow safety measures and best practices:

Before Entering a Grain Bin:
Lockout/Tagout: Always lock out and tag out equipment to prevent accidental operation.
Harness and Lifeline: Wear a safety harness and lifeline securely anchored outside the bin.
Observer: Always have an observer, who is trained in rescuing procedures, present.
Communication: Maintain clear communication between the person in the bin and the observer.

While in a Grain Bin:
Avoid Flowing Grain: Never enter a bin while grain is flowing.
Stay Near the Surface: Minimize time spent in the bin and avoid entering deep grain.
Be Aware of Surroundings: Watch for changes in grain condition and potential hazards.

Emergency Procedures:
Call for Help: Immediately call 911 in an emergency.
Do Not Enter: The observer should not enter the bin to attempt a rescue alone.
Shut Off Equipment: Turn off all equipment that could cause grain to flow

AgCountry’s Grain Bin Rescue Program

AgCountry is committed to promoting grain bin safety in addition to providing life-saving equipment and training to first responders across our territory. Our program offers a variety of resources and services to help farmers and employees stay safe.

We partner with Grain Guardian, LLC to purchase rescue kits and deliver training from experts in the area of grain bin safety.

Safety Training:
When safety kits are delivered, the fire department goes through comprehensive training which teaches first responders how to operate equipment and respond in a grain bin emergency.  

Safety Equipment:
Each kit includes 10 pivot panels to support a rescue mission in a variety of situations as well as a slide hammer and entry rescue kit. The use of ropes, harnesses, masks, and other safety gear is essential to keep first responders safe while attempting the rescue.

By implementing these safety measures and taking advantage of AgCountry’s grain bin rescue program, we can work together to prevent grain bin accidents and create a safer working environment for all those involved in agriculture and rural life.

For more information on the grain bin rescue program or to apply to receive a safety kit, click here.