Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance

Insure against unexpected declines in quarterly revenue from milk sales.

Product Overview

Understanding Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance

When milk prices or production dips, Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) steps in to shield dairy producers from financial hardship, providing area-based protection to address milk basis and variability in regional production. 



  • DRP is available nationwide all year long. The policy will remain in effect until canceled. 
  • Protection Factor is between 1.00 and 1.50, in .05 increments. 
Holstein cows in the meadow

Coverage Level

80%, 85%, 90%, 95% of revenue guarantee.


Pricing Options

  • Multiple pricing options exist for a customizable policy to fit your operation. 
  • Class Pricing Option: Utilizes your specified percentage of futures market Class III and Class IV milk prices (equal to 100). 
  • Component Pricing Option: Utilizes a combination of milk components (butterfat, protein, other solids, and nonfat solids), chosen by you. 

General Information

  • A quarterly coverage endorsement gives you flexibility in your guarantees without having to change the underlying policy. 
  • Coverage can be purchased for as many as five quarters into the future during each sales period. When purchasing a DRP policy, select the: 
    • Quarterly insurance period to insure.
    • Value of milk to cover. 
    • Amount of milk to cover for the quarter.
    • Level of coverage.
    • Protection factor. 
  • You can have other livestock insurance policies, such as Livestock Gross Margin as long as it doesn't overlap coverage in the same quarter with a DRP endorsement.

Available to all qualifying producers regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted of funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).

Why Work With Us for Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance

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Dedicated Specialists

Our agents are non-commissioned and focus 100% of their time on crop insurance and livestock insurance. They don't sell property, casualty or life insurance.

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Financial Knowledge

As a lender, we understand financial risk and work to protect your working capital and whole operation, not just your crop or livestock.

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Agriculture Focused

Personalized support and financial insights from experienced and highly trained agriculture insurance professionals help you make informed decisions.

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Exclusive Tools

Leverage our exclusive policy review and Hail Analyzer tools to receive a personalized insurance plan - maximizing your net indemnity, cash flow, forward market opportunities, and minimizing your premium costs.

Your Success Matters.

You need a lender who understands agriculture and your unique needs. We have entire teams dedicated to your success, from local advisors to economists to commodity specialists and more. Every day, we work to be your most valued financial partner.

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